OA-1 Online- Oil Analyzer – English
On-Line Oil Analyzer – Oil Analysis & Machine Condition Monitoring System
OA-1 On-Line Oil Analyzer with IIOT4.0 Wireless Remote Monitoring & Remote Control Mini SCADA from OilPure is the On-Line oil testing device that reads oil contamination and additive depletion on a Real Time basis for 24 hours – 365 days a year. The OA-1 will determine the changes in lubricating properties and assimilate the Characteristic and Behavior of machine lubrication.
This data will reveal Oil Contamination Ingression Rate that allows us to design the proper preventive control of the oil contamination that disrupts the machine performance. While the conventional oil analysis from laboratory is merely a guess work on a periodic basis. As saying in Six Sigma, What get measured, get controlled.
On-Line Oil Analysis OA-1 Oil Analyzer is design to reads oil contamination with Centralized System from Multiple Point Oil Location from single machine or multiple machines.

OA-1 Oil Analyzer Oil Flow Diagram

OA-1 wireless communication protocol

MS1 Moisture Sensor reads water in both ppm (Parts per million) and % AW (Water Activity). MS1 is also control Vacuum Jet Dehydration process to assure that the discharged oil has water less than 50-100 ppm or set ppm value in the MS1.
PC1 Particle Count Sensor reads particle in ISO Code, NAS, SAE standards. PC1 is used in the On-Line Oil Monitoring system.

MS1 Moisture Sensor reading display

PC1 Particle Count Sensor reading display (ISO 4406)
OS1 Oil Sensor detects the chemical changes in the oil and illustrate the increasing of Oil Oxidation and the decreasing in Depleted Oil Additive Level.

OS1 Oil Sensor reading display on Incremental changes in Oil Oxidation

OS1 Oil Sensor reading display on Incremental changes in Oil Additive Depletion

OA-1 On-Line Oil Analyzer with Machine Condition Sensors continuously keeps monitoring the equipment and reports the oil condition 24 hours/ 7 days, sending the alarm messages to operator by e-mail and SMS text messages to operators.

For multiple equipment monitoring system, OA-1 On-Line Oil Analyzer continuously keeps monitoring the equipment and reports the oil condition 24 hours/ 7 days, sending the alarm messages to operator by e-mail and SMS text messages to operators.

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