DOT & TAN Test Kits – English
DOT Test Kit (Gravimetric Analysis)
Test Kit measures solid particulate size in 0.8 micron, 5 micron and 20 micron for qualitative evaluation.

DOT Test Kit can determine solid particulate that are much more reliable as compared to the conventional ISO-4406 particle count. Type of solid contamination can be visualized and easy to trace down to the source of contamination.
Why Do You Use This Dot Test?
This test provides a means for visual monitoring the size and quantity of contaminants present in lubricating oil. It only takes about 10 minutes to complete the test and have the result to be evaluated. Most particle count ISO: 4406 testing for solid particulate is the least reliable method to measure solid particulate due to variance in the sensor calibration. This makes the particle count test report will vary from lab to lab.
TAN Test Kit (Total Acid Number)
Total Acid Number (TAN) Test kit measures oil acidity in gram of KOH per gram indicating by color. Oil oxidation can be determined by increasing number of oil acidity.
TAN Test Kit measures oil acidity that caused by oil oxidation. Oil deterioration can be measured by Total Acid Number (TAN). TAN can be used to determine oil drainage time before substantial damages to the lubricated equipment.

TAN = Acid Titration
This method determines the acidic constituents in a lubricating oil to show relative changes occurring in an oil in oxidizing conditions. The rising Total Acid Number is usually indicative of advancing oxidation which leads to oil deterioration and chemical changes in the oil molecule. TAN expressed in milligrams of Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) required to neutralize on weight (gram) of lubricant. TAN test kit is excellent in measuring the chemical changes in lubricants which are caused by oil oxidation. The higher TAN result shows, the rising on oil oxidation occurs in lubricants.

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